Be SURE to let me know how you found this page and what you think of it!
I am constantly looking for more information on the subject of Government Research into E.S.P. and Mind Control. If you have anything to add:
Recent articles regarding the arrest of Kevin Mittnick indicate that the NSA has an ongoing interest in developing advanced Internet monitoring and spoofing techniques. If you send mail to me, or even access this page, you should assume that your traffic is being monitored by the NSA, or its British counterpart the General Communications Head Quarters, located in Cheltenham, UK.
Additionally, posted articles on infowar capabilities, anti-SPAM crusades, and COS efforts to suppress discussion of their "church doctrine" make it clear that sophisticated cancel-bots and the like can delete mail and USENET newsgroup messages.
If you are interested in additional information regarding NSA capabilities and policies regarding the monitoring of digital communications, I have more information available.
For more on this, see my 05/01/96 rant in Current News
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